
Mikea Forest


On an island known for endemic species, the South Malagasy spiny forests in the southwestern corner of Madagascar are one of the islands most distinct ecosystems. Within Mikea Forest, the unusual Didierea madagascariensis (see photo) and Euphorbia stenoclada as well as the more common Adansonia fony are among the most widespread tree species. Mikea Forest is also home to many endemic reptile and bird species. Two bird species unique to the Mikea Forest, the sub-desert mesite (Monias benschi) and the long-tailed ground-roller (Uratelornis chimaera), are classified as vulnerable. The area of Mikea Forest shown in these images has lost approximately 28 per cent of its primary forest cover in the last three decades and the rate of loss appears to be accelerating to the west. A large portion of the forest has been lost to charcoal production, most of it for commercial sale in Toliara.

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